Saturday, December 10, 2011

Miss Janet - SARC's Pretty Greeter...When She Wants to...

Introducing Miss Janet!
I named this pig after an Olympic gold medalist and you will see why. When I first saw her, back in May of this year, 2011, in the Philippines, she was swimming in the sea. I have never seen a pig swam before and it really amused me. I watched and watched until she turns behind a seawall and out of sight. She would appear again shortly when it was time for her to go home and I would watch her again. My enthusiasm about this pig swimming was felt by the people around me, so every day we anticipated her appearance in the water for her daily swim. I came back to the US and wondered about how the pig, who loves to swim, was doing.
I went back to the Philippines again in August, when my mother was sick. There was that pig again, with her daily swim. I wondered about her future…..

Who would think twice about betraying a pig? Producing only 3 litters last time after 7 (no time off) times of breeding offspring, it was time to sell this pig….. to be slaughtered.

I purchased Miss Janet from the owner so she could continue her daily swim, and so she does.

Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you anymore. - Franz Kafka

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